
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Lessons Learned

Not-so-fresh out of college, i had it clear what i wanted to do: join a firm where i would start from the bottom, learn the nitty gritty of architecture. Simple, practical things from which i could build my experience as an architect. And here i am now, at a jobsite, and 3 months at that.

I consider myself lucky to have the chance to work and be exposed to so many things; from drawing plans, to thinking of the structure that would carry it (i think now it is obvious that i work with engineers), to calling suppliers, ordering materials, seeing them being built on site, checking that it is done right, on time, and evrything over and over again.

Now that these 3 months are over, and i am poised to start something new, and as i look back, i learned some very important things i will take with me always.

1. No matter how quickly you have to work, no matter how much pressure youre in, you give the best you've got. If it's still not enough, it is already beyond you.
2. A little piece of home should always be brought with you, be it the food you like to eat, the company you keep, or time for yourself, to do YOUR thing.
3. Never NEVER let your temper get the best of you even if you've had enough.
4. Construction details make me whoooozzzzzyyyyy.
5. The internet is essential.
6. At the end of the day, the most important things, the things that matter to you the most will stick. No need to worry about forgetting too many details of what you've seen and learned.
7. Home is DEFINATELY where YOUR heart is.
8. Losing step, stumbling to the ground isn't too bad after all, after you get up and bush the dust off. Scars build character.

Yup, these aren't architectural stuff, but things thaht will definately stay with me always, no matter where I am, no matter what i do.


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